I have been using Textmate for
two weeks now, for all my coding needs, my productivity has increased (I know, all the real good programmers use Emacs or Vim, so I am not one of them). Today I spent some time on starting a little side project: improving Textmate Erlang integration. I have created templates with skeletons for a general Library module and also for the the following OTP behaviors:
- application
- gen_server
- gen_event
- gen_fsm
- supervisor
- supervisor_bridge
The module header details such as author, license, etc. can be specified via environment variables.
There is a long way to go, to create a complete Textmate bundle and reaching an Erlang integration as provided by Emacs. If anybody wants to join, you are welcome. An feel free to use the templates and adapt them to your own needs:
Textmate Erlang templatesNote: if you set environment variable
"MIT", then the MIT license gets included in the header as comment (more open source licenses to be added). Other custom environment variables I use:
TM_MY_WEBSITE. You can set them in the