Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Javascript based parser generator system

I hope this is real (because April 1 is approaching, see my previous post): The first ever LALR(1) parser generator system written in and for Javascript. Would be interesting to add this to bespin, declarative grammars (as used in flex/yacc) are relatively easy to define, compared to codemirror which I used for the new, alternative bespin syntax engine and which is an interruptible-resumable continuation-passing style parser and needs to be written programatically for each language.
Similar to the narcissus parser implemented by Malte, such LALR(1) based parsers could be used for generating outline views and syntax checks running in a background worker thread. What it can't be used for is syntax highlighting, because LALR(1) based parsers need to reparse the whole file for every change to a document and that makes them too slow for syntax highlighting in realtime.


Malte said...

Just to clarify: The narcissus parser was used by malte and created by Brendan Eich :)

Sam said...

You can use Antlr 3.1 to generate Javascript grammars. I'd love to see a review of it by a Javascript expert.

Roberto Saccon said...

Sam, thanks, found it: http://code.google.com/p/antlr-javascript

Hugo Leeney said...

Hey Roberto, Did you have any luck getting antlr-javscript to work? I'm wrestling with it at the moment. I'm starting to think about writing a parser for what I need from scratch :(..